Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So for a few months I used my truck to commute up to Idaho Falls. Not the most economic method, but it allowed Kara to keep the Camry at home while I was off at work. I burned a CD designed especially for my truck (with the obligatory "Pickup Man" song on there) and... actually that CD is still in there. I had clients who fell into two different classes: those that loved the truck completely, and those that asked me to park down the block so their friends wouldn't see them getting in it.

Anyway one day we went for a cookout in the sand dunes north of Rexburg, which, if you've been in Rexburg, you know is about the most exciting thing within 30 miles, and 200 yards into the dunes and after the cookout Charlie wouldn't start. The lights came on but when I turned the ignition to Start I got nothing. Not even an effort. So I opened the hood and tried a few different things, and then a kind gentleman pulled off and offered to tow us to town. Before chaining up he asked if he could take a look, and after just a couple minutes he started it. Turns out there's a little plastic piece that connects the clutch pedal and it had just come unhooked. I like to think of it as a hidden security feature. If I'm concerned about someone stealing Charlie, I can disable him in just seconds.

Tricky, Charlie!

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